About Me

About Me

``I walked into becoming a Pastor’s wife and I looked around and said, God, this is not the vision you showed me.``

Sharese Williams is the personification of faith and virtue in action. A true example of what it means to commit one’s work to the service of God, whether through her great compassion and sincerity, confidence and insight, or messages of fearlessness and empowerment, Sharese is a voice for today’s generation. She is undoubtedly called to lead God’s people to greater depths of spiritual freedom.

As an educator by profession, serving children and youth for over ten years, Sharese has an exceptional ability to see the needs of others and commits to extending this special gifting, alongside her husband, Heston Williams, as the Senior Pastors of Purpose Life, a vibrant, multi-generational, ethnically diverse, and spirit-filled global ministry.

In her commitment to purpose and in places of sought out refreshment and growth in her own life, the vision for how to increase communal impact, while serving others, sprouted.

“I walked into becoming a Pastor’s wife and I looked around and said, God, this is not the vision you showed me. I’m restless and uncomfortable because you’ve spoken some things into me; if I stay where I am, I feel like I am going to crumble and die.”

The journey from a very dim hope to a daily walk of confidence and assurance came with Sharese’s commitment to doing exactly what God shaped her to do. She harnessed the power of this awareness and grabbed hold of the fortitude and wisdom of God in order to influence communities and provide resources to those in need.

In 2015, Sharese became the Founder and Executive Director of LifeBridge NY, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is set to help bridge the gaps that exist between where people are and where they hope to be. Through its veins, over 10,000 families have been successfully served. Sharese is deeply intent on seeing people win. She is most especially passionate about seeing women live without fear and experience the type of intimacy with God that produces lasting, inward change. It is out of this desire that an international movement was born.

Sharese aimed for women to encounter life-shifts, through worship summits, gatherings, and annual conferences, that helped them to live and lead spiritually redefined lives. In 2016, Fresh OilⓇ gained its roots. The course of the movement began to have such a transformative effect that it initiated an expanded level of ministry to include their families.

Four years later, in her acknowledgement of this favorable impact, Sharese determined that Fresh OilⓇ was also a vehicle of liberation and change for the entire family. (To learn more about how to be a part of the Fresh Oil experience, click here.)

In addition to her being a visionary and faithful Christ-follower, Sharese is a loving and devoted wife, mother, mentor, and friend. Wit and Grace Magazine named Sharese as one of the Top Five Women of Influence for 2021.

As a woman of legacy, Sharese then asked herself a very significant question: “What can I pass on to my children?”

A Prepared Space, a collection of products that help to curate a personal space of influence, was incorporated in 2021 as the answer to this question. In an effort to leave a legacy of Christ, drawing from her own intimate relationship with God, Sharese messages that it’s in creating spaces with intention that her most profound and memorable moments with God happen not by accident, but on purpose.

Of all her achievements, Sharese is most content with the life that she and her husband, Heston, have created. Together they have three beautiful children, Ariana, Janese, and Caleb.